Saturday, December 6, 2008


I can't believe my two ears.


How could I catch on such heartless disease that rips away one's precious memory without mercy and just leave one wasting away like a living corpse.

At my tender young age....?

And all I've showed the doctor is just my pair of hands.
No ICT scans,
No basic questions like what's my address or what's my car plate number.

i CAN'T die! NOT at the age of sixteen!
There's still my graduation...and who knows? I might be the future candidate for Nobel Prize award? or perhaps the Costa Book Awards?! #_#

The doctor must have seen my eye-popping-out-and-jaws-dropping-th-the-ground expression because he hastily replied,

"Well...'bout the cause of your infection....did you do anything unusual with your hands? Perhaps cutting the fish?"

Still dazzled, I absent-mindedly shook my head and said, "Nope".

The doctor said something before the fish thing.
...*extracting memory from memory bank*


Alzheimer and infection doesn't CLICK! None at all. So...
*brain putting two and two together*


The only possibility is that....

It's just some skin disease that sounds like Alzheimer!
YAY! My memory's still mine to behold~ mwahahaha.

In the end, I went home with two bottles of lotion to be put on the affected area


P.S. Still clueless about why i consult a doctor?! Oops, sorry to mention it!
Well, I'm jsut having some mild skin disease between my fingers, that's all!
A disease which sounds like Alzheimer.....hmmm...i'll googgled it and tell u the real name.

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Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.