Sunday, December 7, 2008

PM Project

PM Project is boring.

But taking pics is kind of fun!
Not to mention....
when the picture involves
...a trip to the buffet restaurant
...with trays of delicious food
...comfortable ambience
...and a band singing to you throughout the dinner.....

INTRODUCING Palm Terrace Cafe, Imperial Mall:

Wekekeke.....Did I just kill your diet?!

=D This project is used for the Bidang 2: Nilai yang Berkaitan dengan Kekeluargaan project.


Vince said...

Haha.. thanks to you project.... I had the chance to enjoy all these food!!!

Faye said...

yalor....good lehr?!
tuo wo de fu! =D

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.